And the winner is?...

Rodney Hayes
Nominated by: Chris Rogers
In the midst of these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 crisis, they've been on the front lines daily traveling to sites keeping our installations moving forward. They like many of us are uncertain what each day may hold, but each morning they strap on their boots, pack a lunch to hit the battlefield and do what God has called them to do ... serve!
Along with their grit and determination, I'm personally encouraged daily of their passion to always go above and beyond. The impact they have is GREAT to many in that one day and hopefully very soon, patients will have a room in a hospital to get the treatment needed, a child will be back in school enjoying time with their friends, educators will be pouring into their students for future growth and researchers working on the next cure. Their impact is not just another installation. It's making a positive impact for another healing, education, treatment, graduation, lab test, etc. They are not only essential, but they're crucial part to the success of this company!