Notre Dame, Easter, and Our Core Values

SWA’s Core Values: People Matter More | Deliver WOW | Make It Better | Accomplish Together | Shine

“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”
-Pope John Paul II

As Easter approaches, we are again faced with the importance of hope, renewal, and sacrifice. In our own lives and the world around us. This year, we enter our Easter weekend with a heavier heart than holidays past. As the flames in Notre Dame cathedral die out and the smoke clears, we look to each other for signs of hope. Then, we give thanks to the donators who provided millions of dollars in donations for plans of renewal. Finally, we pray for the emergency responders and firefighters who came to the scene ready to sacrifice their own lives. We look to the sky and praise God for giving us the miracle of zero casualties. The preservation of several artifacts. And, above all, for this sight, in the midst of the devastation:

A view of the debris inside Notre-Dame de Paris in the aftermath of a fire that devastated the cathedral on April 16, 2019. Photo by Christophe Petit Tesson/Pool via Reuters
Source: PBS News Hour

The cross, in all its glory, still stands, to show us “Jesus Christ who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” (Romans 8:34).

This Easter holiday, we commemorate all that was lost in the fire of Notre Dame. However, we are also here to give thanks for all that was spared. The building was a stunning display of architecture that withstood 900 of years of storms, war, changing infrastructure and renovations. Now, part of it still stands to tell the story of a fire that brought the world to its knees.

This week, we watch countries across the world live out one of our own Core Values – shine. “Let your light shine before others” (Matthew 5:16) is one of the pillars of that core value stands on. Our SWA family takes steps to do just that every day. As the fire at Notre Dame extinguish, we watch others step forward to let their own lights shine before us, and it keeps the city of Paris bright during one of its darkest days.

Happy Easter, to the friends and family of Steve Ward & Associates, and to all of the people whose lights have shined before us. We wish you all a safe and healthy holiday, and we look forward to another year celebrating the hope, renewal, and sacrifice that our Lord, Jesus Christ made for each and every one of us on this day.